Friday, January 28, 2011

The State Of the Island: January 28, 2011

This blog consists mainly of ordinary blog posts which are random and have no connection with each other. However, in recent weeks, a plot has emerged!

To celebrate, please enjoy this unofficial Island Flag.

To help new readers, readers who haven't read in a while, or readers who are confused by all the goddamn fish, we have decided to start a weekly blog plot summary. While it will be written by different members of the island, this week's summary will be by Azyln Aeron:

 Good afternoon, readers. This week has been a rather hectic one for many of the pathetic inhabitants of this island. It all began when the fish attacked. Indeed, many of the tropical species surrounding the island have decided to revolt against the human population. That was when I, Azlyn Aeron, stepped out of the shadows of darkness and appealed to the fish, boldly offering myself up as their leader. Of course, I'm probably planning to turn on them and create my own dark dominion.
And the flag will look like this.

So that's what happened this week on the Island. If you want to read a specific Islander's posts, please follow the links below.

Island Queen
Diamond Giver

State of the Island

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Together, We Shall Conquer

Dearest fish,
I completely sympathize with you and your reasons for revolting. It is for this reason that I am about to offer you the chance of a lifetime: I am asking you to join me.

Before you reject my proposal, please consider that we need each other; that is, we each have something the other lacks. You have great numbers, and I? I have legs.
Leggy Leggy legs.

Together, we can start a new era! Together, we can take what is rightfully ours! Together we can create a dominion of pain and torture!
If it helps, I'm a vegetarian.

Azlyn Aeron

fishies are meanies

i used to like fishies becas thay are frends with mermades and i like mermades.
see? aireel and flowneder are best frends. but i gues fishies like flounder dont really exist. in real life its more like this
but i was still suprisd when the fishies started attacking. and now mommy has to lock the doors every night and make a cercle of salt around the house to dry out the fishe so they cant get in and kill us.

im 5 years old.
i think i'm too young to die. 

so thats why i dont want the fishies to fight us. i want us to all be frends again like ariel and flounder. love daisy. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I was in the mood for blogging, but I didn't know what to blog about. And then, when sharing this experience with my friends, I had a sudden inspiration.

So inspiring, I know.
I decided to blog about words.
Words can be pretty cool, if you think about it. Have you ever said a word so many times that it doesn't even sound like a word anymore?
Book, book, book, book, book, book, book, book

I said "book" aloud about 50 times just now, and now it just sounds like a funny noise. Also my brother is looking like me as though I am a freak. Which he seems to do a lot.

What makes some words funner than others? Everyone has heard that really long word that means "the fear of long words." Is that word funny? Or is it just funny because it matches its definition in a weird way?, I just think it's a funny word

Or what about palindromes?
Everyone always uses "race car" as an example of a palindrome, and I was about to use it as an example myself when I realized that it's not a single word.
So it doesn't really count.
How about "noon"? Plus noon gets bonus points because if you spell it NOON, it is not only the same backwards, but also upside down!

Also, it's everybody's favorite time of day...Lunch!

Word of the Day: Poppysmic: the noise your lips make when you smack them together

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dear People,

I apologize for not writing in a while. However, I believe I have a valid reason for not doing so. The fish, in an effort to destroy our amazing island, are burning every building their little not-land-accustomed fins can get them to. My stately manor, unfortunately, was a victim. Fortunately I was able to escape with some of my wealth (a mere 100,000,0000,0000$) because I saw them slowly coming over the hill behind my home. Just imagine over 100,000 fish sliding towards your home with torches, it was terrifying! 
You don't have to imagine: here's the horror.

Thus, I disguised myself as a common peasant and fled. I'm trying to make my way to the queen's palace, where I am sure there's a room I can stay in until we defeat the fish army. Sadly, her palace is on the other side of the island.

Her palace is the castle is at the second squiggle to the right.
I know you may be asking, "How is Genevieve, no matter how perfect she is, managing to write a blog post while on the run?" Well I have an answer for you: my ePid. It's the most amazing device! It cannot only play music but can access the internet! Brilliant!
Mine is purple, a color not available to the public because I'm just special like that.
Perhaps my journey across the island will make my blog posts more exciting (I don't really like this pattern: the more I suffer among the common folk, the more people enjoy my posts!) It's a tragedy, yet maybe I'll learn something from this experience. Who am I kidding? I'm perfect, I have nothing to learn!

Kiss kiss,
Genevieve Millianette

We are Back again...surprise!!

You thought you could scare us off with a few pictures of suicidal people and a seafood banquet!
You can never destroy us!! WE multiply too quickly and sooooooon, when you lease expect it, we will take over the WORLD....or at least this blog.
resistance is futile, surender now, and I won't eat the inhabitants of your island...or at least not you island queen ( that's right diamond giver- i bet you'd taste great in some rich BBQ sauce)

~The BLACK fish!