Sunday, February 20, 2011

Vacation, Peace Talks, and Other News

Hello, Diamond Island citizens!
I have some very important and exciting topics to discuss today.
First of all....Vacation. These lovely weeks off are pretty rare at my school, so this is very exciting.

Of course, when this is your backyard, who needs vacation?

Now, as a responsible leader who cares about my country/island so much, I decided to spend this vacation in Greece.

No, seriously, I promise... it's a work-related trip....

I came here to enlist the help of this wonderful country in our battle against the fish. Now, since I believe in an open relationship between the all-powerful, wonderful, supreme ruler (me), and the citizens (you), I will tell you all about my meeting with Greek officials.

The meeting began an hour late. This, I am told, is very Greek. Then we had a rather large breakfast, which I was happy about, because an hour is a long time, and I get hungry pretty quickly. After that, we had a post-breakfast chat about the weather and organized a lunch date.

I am not doing a very good job of convincing you all that I am WORKING, am I?

Anywho, after our pleasant chat on a wide variety of topics (none of which included the ones we were scheduled to discuss), we had lunch.
Yes, yes, I know, we were supposed to get some work done, but keeping up with my commitments (ie, the lunch date) is very important for the image of our island.
After lunch, we walked around and sat down for a coffee around mid-afternoon. It was then that I brought up the peace talks, which we postponed to the following day. After coffee we parted. I went home to my hotel where I got ready for a party with some friends repented the fact that I didn't get any work done.

This was not me. At all. 

The next day, our meeting was only half an hour late. Following the beginning of the meeting (where the list of topics we were to discuss was read aloud), we took a short break for breakfast. Okay, fine, it was a long break. But, once that break was over, we got right to work.
The diplomats I was meeting with said that, though they had admired our island's aims, they felt that we had deviated from our original purpose, which was, of course, world peace. They readily pointed out the fish rebellions, which began mere weeks into the establishment of our country, and the splitting of my lands with Azlyn Aeron. However, I convinced them that these actions were all for the best, and that world peace would soon be brought about by our island.
Once they believed that our aims remained the same, and would soon be successful, they were quick to agree to my propositions:

1) That we enlist as much help as possible in our battle against the fish. They offered several of their best spies, who are infiltrating fish ranks as we speak.

2) That we enlist as many countries as possible in our quest for world peace. Of course, peace cannot be established without the consent of all countries involved (and, since our aims are world peace, that would be every country.)

3) Eat lunch promptly

With all three aims having been agreed to (and an excellent lobster ravioli with sauce served), we continued to discuss the wonders of ruling a nation with several beaches. They were particularly jealous of the excellent real estate offered for all citizens in my country.

And so, dearest readers, our peace talks went well. I will be returning home shortly (well...maybe not TOO shortly...there is still so much to experience discuss)

Now that I have covered the vacation and peace talks, I will move on to other news.
I have convinced Diamond Giver to return to our island!

But not in a green canoe. 

I hope to welcome Diamond Giver back with a party--and what better theme than a seafood party? We will celebrate the return of our friend and the soon-to-be downfall of the fish.

However, there will be no seafood. Because I do not like seafood. 
This party will be the event of the year!
Until next time, citizens and readers.

Much love,
Island Queen