Holidays and Events

Upcoming Events:

Seafood Banquet: March 26th
Held at the Island Queen's palace, this banquet will raise awareness and funds for the battle against the fish rebellions. Exclusive coverage by society gems. 

Notable Dates:
January 4th-World Peace Day
World Peace is officially established along with this blog during a certain period. Total Island Dominance!

January 11th-Naming Day
The name "Diamond Island" was officially adopted after an intense vote. 35% of eligible voters chose the name above the choices "The Awesome Place" and "The Capital" after a voting procedure that lasted about a week.

January 18th-Halloween Brunch
Pumpkin Biscuits are typically baked and eaten around 12 PM in a big feast. It is also the busiest day of the year for the fire department. It is strategically placed the day after MLK Day, where equality is celebrated on the island by eating equal amounts of white, milk, and dark chocolate, assuming all three types are available.

February 10th-The Great Division
The day Azlyn Aeron claimed the west side of Diamond Island

December 10-Diamond Day
The largest diamond in the world was given to the Island Queen by Diamond Giver in a certain restaurant after a long period of delay due to certain difficulties