Friday, January 28, 2011

The State Of the Island: January 28, 2011

This blog consists mainly of ordinary blog posts which are random and have no connection with each other. However, in recent weeks, a plot has emerged!

To celebrate, please enjoy this unofficial Island Flag.

To help new readers, readers who haven't read in a while, or readers who are confused by all the goddamn fish, we have decided to start a weekly blog plot summary. While it will be written by different members of the island, this week's summary will be by Azyln Aeron:

 Good afternoon, readers. This week has been a rather hectic one for many of the pathetic inhabitants of this island. It all began when the fish attacked. Indeed, many of the tropical species surrounding the island have decided to revolt against the human population. That was when I, Azlyn Aeron, stepped out of the shadows of darkness and appealed to the fish, boldly offering myself up as their leader. Of course, I'm probably planning to turn on them and create my own dark dominion.
And the flag will look like this.

So that's what happened this week on the Island. If you want to read a specific Islander's posts, please follow the links below.

Island Queen
Diamond Giver

State of the Island

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