Thursday, January 20, 2011

YOU HAVE BEEEN your own fish!

mwahahaha! You thought that you could just give us a small corner of your blog and throw us some food every few days and we would be happy?!?!! WRONG
We are taking back OUR WEBPAGE and rebelling!! 
We have expanded our tank and multiplied! I suggest that you surrender now....or ELSE!
WE are taking over the WORLD!!!!!! in exactly 40 days and 7 hours, we plan to have total control over North America and Switzerland and one of Saturn's moons.
Good luck, you are going to neeed it!
cower at this threatening photo...only a preview of the terrors that are to come!
THE BUNNY IS WaTcHiNg yououoyuyyououoyouyou!


  1. Must...escape...the Bunny's....death glare......


  2. Oh no Island Queen what shall we do??? I'm afriaid... what if the bunny is released upon us?? I think this regime of world peace is going to be toppled by... REVOLUTION!!! DO we even have a military?

    We need to take drastic measures here. Island Queen, you must take the diamond and run!!!!! The fish are approaching the island. Quick!!!! The diamond can't fall into their hands!!!!!

    - DG

  3. Is it secret or are you going to disclose it... hah!

    - DG

  4. Their territory just shrunk a bit... how did they hack the blog? If we don't feed them will they die?

    NO WONDER they were blocked by NCPS... because the fish are hackers!

  5. I can't believe the school knew about this and didn't tell us!

    Here is my plan: I propose a great seafood banquet..... (;


  6. OH YES!!!! I LOVE SEAFOOD!!!!! This is going to be a very special banquet.
    I'm putting so much food in to fatten them up!!

    - DG

  7. Oh my! Whatever shall we do? Forming a navy is out of the question, considering the fish probably have a massive sea creature army...
    But above all else, save the diamond Queen!
    However, it seems that the fish are ruled by a single ruler: the all powerful black fish. Killing him will result in disorder in the fish community, guaranteeing our victory!

    -Genevieve Millianette

  8. Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes, they've got such floppy legs and twitchy little noses!

    ~ Melody
