Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dear People,

I apologize for not writing in a while. However, I believe I have a valid reason for not doing so. The fish, in an effort to destroy our amazing island, are burning every building their little not-land-accustomed fins can get them to. My stately manor, unfortunately, was a victim. Fortunately I was able to escape with some of my wealth (a mere 100,000,0000,0000$) because I saw them slowly coming over the hill behind my home. Just imagine over 100,000 fish sliding towards your home with torches, it was terrifying! 
You don't have to imagine: here's the horror.

Thus, I disguised myself as a common peasant and fled. I'm trying to make my way to the queen's palace, where I am sure there's a room I can stay in until we defeat the fish army. Sadly, her palace is on the other side of the island.

Her palace is the castle is at the second squiggle to the right.
I know you may be asking, "How is Genevieve, no matter how perfect she is, managing to write a blog post while on the run?" Well I have an answer for you: my ePid. It's the most amazing device! It cannot only play music but can access the internet! Brilliant!
Mine is purple, a color not available to the public because I'm just special like that.
Perhaps my journey across the island will make my blog posts more exciting (I don't really like this pattern: the more I suffer among the common folk, the more people enjoy my posts!) It's a tragedy, yet maybe I'll learn something from this experience. Who am I kidding? I'm perfect, I have nothing to learn!

Kiss kiss,
Genevieve Millianette


  1. Oh my poor, poor dear! I'm having the guest room prepared as we speak for your arrival...these fish will not get away with it!


  2. They couldn't have been moving too slowly if you only managed to remove $100,000,0000,0000 of your wealth! A small fraction if I may say so myself! At least you brought your ePid. I mean, its the only purple one in existence... I am not on the island right now due to certain business matters on the mainland, but I hope everything is okay! This must mean that the fish are advancing toward the Grand Palace!!!
