Thursday, January 13, 2011

ONE MORE AWESOME VIDEO (Last one I promise)

This is my favorite video on Youtube.
I know all the words. 'Cause I'm just weird like that.

More Amazing Videos

In the spirit of the island queen's post, I thought I would grace the blog with yet more amusing videos. In this time of midterms and study headaches, we need comic relief more than ever! Also, yes, I am aware that posting these videos completely contradicts my classy image.
ps. I just noticed the new green fish!! ->

-Genevieve Millianette

Hilarious Videos

Here are a few videos I found online that are hilarious.

What Youtube selection would be complete without this?

This one is just hilarious every time. 

"I wanna wake up in the city that never sleeps"

Hehe. That's pretty much all there is to say. 

So yeah. Hope you enjoy those. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

HI im Daisy

deer readers,
my nam is daisy i am island queen's daughter i am 5 years old. i like princesses and fairies and unicorns. and when i grow up i want to b a princes becas i love them and i want to wear pretty dreses.
why is ther a little red line under some of my word? i like the internet and i like coloring. so i drew pictures. and you can make a coloring sheet for craions here here. its really cool and i like it. i like to color princeses.

my favorit princess is ariel. so i go to her websit. you just haf to click on aril and then you can play game. the best part about the disney princeses is the pince. he always saves the princes.

my favorit prins is aladin so i lookd for a picture of him. and i found this.

hahaha its funny because hes not wearing any cloths!!!! i dont know why hes in his underwer... i will ask my mommy.

i also lik Teevee. i like kim possibl and avatar. i also  lik to watch shows on disney channel.

i lik barbie dolls too here is barbies website barbie has lots of cool movies too like fairytopia and other princes movies

i like pbs too. i like arthur and playinggames on their websit. i also lik wordgirl and sagwa, the chinese siamese cat she's like mulan but shes a cat

i have to go for lunch and then naptime. i want chiken nuggts for lunch today

bye! sinncerely, Daisy

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Overly-Analytical Rants/LET THEM EAT CAKE!- Genevieve Millianette

Dear people,

I am in a predicament. During the Queen and I's lunch, we had an idea for a possible blog entry. Laughter and excitement for my next entry crosses my mind when thinking about said subject, however I cannot seem to remember what the blog entry would have been about. Thus, I will write about two elements of my (always luxurious) day that this blog entry could have applied to.

Possible Blog Entry 1: New York, New York.

Upon the Queen and I's biweekly game of badminton, we discovered the most brilliant of things. We invented a victory dance while humming the tune of "New York, New York" by Frank Sinatra. The dance is not only fun and exceeds our bragging rights, but it can be used to distract the our opponents. I was just pondering this concept when I thought of a brilliant plan: we use this tactic with our country's military! The enemies would be completely blindsided! A well-choriographed dance number in the middle of battle, imagine the shock!

 Of course, we do not currently have a military, however there may come a time when we will have enough resources that other countries will want to invade (for now we're fully funded by awesome and the diamond, but when my llama farm is complete, imagine the possibilities for exports!) Which brings me to another idea I just conjured: our economy. We should make it mercantilist, since we should focus solely on our economy's power and supply of awesome (please, it's the rest of the world's fault they're barely surviving this "Global Recession," they should solve their own problems! LET THEM EAT CAKE!) Plus, it gives you, queen, and I (the extremely influential noblewoman) power over our country's economic proceedings! Now I am left to wonder: how did I get from a simple game of badminton to the global economic crisis?

Posible Blog Entry 2: Kataang, Zutara... & other nerd ships.

This topic came up during the queen, I, and other friends' (who may or may not appear on this blog in the future) discussions during lunch. I figured that I would share my opinion (since as a noblewoman, it matters very much.) I took a more logic approach to the ships, however much can be debated about actual character:
We all know that in life, there is no defined "good" and "evil." Everything is a shade of grey, never black and white. We all have a little light and dark inside of us (which, of course, I took from what Sirius said to Harry in Order of the Phoenix and what Slughorn said to Harry in Half Blood Prince) However, in something as simple as a children's show, those lines should be clearly defined. If a superhero was saving people from a burning building one minute and stealing a pack of gum from CVS the next, what message does that send to children? The superhero, of course, would be the child's "role-model," whether it be for just watching that episode or through all of their childhood. Children are like sponges, they suck up everything they see and hear. If someone clearly defined to them as "good" did something "bad," the children may assume it is ok, correct?
Now let me apply this to Avatar the Last Airbender, and Harry Potter, because behind my classy lifestyle I am in fact a nerd. If Katara, defined to children as a "good" character, dated Zuko, a "bad" character, what would that mean? It doesn't matter if he becomes good later in the series, the bottom line is that he is defined as a "bad" character and Katara would be associating herself with something from the "dark side." Same thing in Harry Potter, why would anyone ship Hermione/ Draco? It is the same case. 
I am left with one question: Why is Hermione ginger?
Google has scarred me in so many ways.
Children may see these actions as "oh, ok, if Katara can love a boy who (indirectly) killed her mother and began a century-long war involving the massacre of an entire civilization, it is perfectly fine if I become friends with that guy in the green van."Concluding, I generally am for the romances that occur in these series because they plainly make sense. I bet J.K. Rowling and the people who made Avatar spent weeks trying to figure out how it all was going to end, from the plot and audiences' reaction. If these people have the capability to create something so good that people are willing to write two long paragraphs about it, should they not have the capability to take the right decision when it comes to who ends up with whom?

I'm not entirely sure if I wrote about what we talked about during lunch, Island Queen, but each of these segments transformed into overly-analytical rants.

Kiss kiss,
Genevieve Millianette

The Vote is In!

The poll asking you all to vote on a great new name for the island is over, and the results are in! With eleven voters, 9% of the vote went to "The Capital", and another 9% went to "Other".
A whopping 36% of those polled said they favored "The Awesome Place", which was a little surprising, since, not gonna lie, I put that there as a bit of a joke. But still, many congratulations to "The Awesome Place", which came in second place!

AAAAAAAANd, the winner is, with 5 votes and the favor of 45% of the voters.........

*drumroll please*


So those of you who voted for Diamond Island should go have a big party. Those of you who didn't should commence crying just about now.

In a desperate attempt to fuse this rather self-explainatory post with pictures, I searched "Diamond Island" in Google. This is what it came up with. Not exactly what I had in mind, but okay.

Much love, 
Island Queen

Monday, January 10, 2011

Midterms and Procrastination

Procrastination is a year-round tool that students use to get out of work. They also use it to be able to complain about how much homework they have when they keep working until 1:00 in the morning. What we don't mention is that we didn't start until 12:00.
Midterms usually bring procrastination as a more serious issue. I, for one, have made a rather intense study schedule, but whether I can actually follow it remains to be seen.
Procrastination has become steadily easier for students as time-wasting sites, such as MLIA, Facebook, DearBlankPleaseBlank, Cracked, etc spread across the internet.
Also, I hyperlinked those, so if you didn't click on any of them and are still reading this, I congratulate you. (and me, because, if you didn't go check out all those average stories, this blog must be pretty darn interesting)
Anyway, I deactivted my Facebook to not waste my life on there, so I could "study". That was before I knew that, to reactivate your facebook, all you have to do is log back in. So I spent the next hour deactivating my facebook, then reactivating it to do one last thing.
But now it is deactivated...hopefully for good. How can you stop all of these other sites from invading your  study schedule?
Answer: you can't.
So you either have willpower, or you will fail your midterms.
This is me. And probably every other student in the school
I have no willpower.

But even without the whole procrastination thing, midterms are stressful.
And countering that stress is dififcult.
I recommend long breaks between each five seconds of studying, in which you can check all the sites mentioned above, and more!
Also, chocolate is good.

Or you could just bang your head against a wall.

Either way, you'll end up failing or fat.
Better work on that willpower.

Much love,
Island Queen