About Us

We are writing from an island that we bought in the caribbean in late 2010. This island was purchased with a diamond that was given to one member of the group by another in an effort to make her go to the homecoming dance (which she never went to anyway). Now that we own this island, it is only a matter of time before we control the world and bring about world peace. 
All the rich and famous pay trillions to visit the corner of our island that we have set aside as a hotel base.
In this blog, we shall document our wonderful experiences with this island along our journey to total world dominance. 

Don't you want to live here? Or at least read blog posts from here?

I am a friend of the Island Queen and currently live in an obscenely humongously gorgeous mansion on the  Carribbean. 
I was bribed with a diamond to go to homecoming, but, instead of going to the dance, I bought an island and will lead the universe to world peace. Now, I rule Diamond Island with my daughter, Daisy, and dear friends Diamond Giver and Genevieve Millianette.

I am a dragon that safeguards the island, helps in daily affairs, and keeps documents of the history safe on a smaller island off the coast, which I call Alcala.

Diamond Giver
When Island Queen refused to go to homecoming, I decided I would bribe her with a diamond. It took me months to find a diamond grand and beautiful enough for Island Queen, but finally in late 2010 I was able to seek out the largest one in existence.
When I arrived at the homecoming dance that night, Island Queen was nowhere to be seen.   I later discovered that she had become too busy looking at islands with the realtor to attend the event. I do agree, however, that Universal Peace and Domination are more important than attending Homecoming. Of course, now I am welcome at the Island whenever I want. I enjoy eating at the fancy restaurants, chatting with all of the rich and famous people, and staying in the upscale hotels by the beach. I used to be vegetarian, but since the fish rebellion and the ensuing banquet, I reverted to being pescatarian. Fish are delish!

Daisy is Island Queen's five year old daughter (her father is _insert sexy fictional character here_). She does not understand many things on the internet and is slowly learning about it.

I am the fifteen year old daughter of the late Princess Ariel and the late Prince Eric. Before the black fish gained her power, my mother, father and I happily lived in our beautiful kingdom under the sea, but they, and the rest of my kind except for a select few, were murdered by the black fish. It is now my goal to try and uproot her power and restore the land to the Island Queen.

Dorothy Jenkinson
Hey y'all!! I'm Dorothy! I lived down south my whole life, but I recently moved to Diamond Island. It is just the darnest nicest place ever. The here Island Queen ain't nothin' but nice, so it no surprise were such good friends. I'll be postin' stories from the farm on this here blog, so I hope y'all enjoy!   

Azlyn Aeron
My father was Legolas and my mother was Azula. I am a vegetarian who enjoys moonlight, evil plans, and posing with dramatic expressions. My ultimate goal is to take over the island and crush the happiness of all those who live there.

Society Gems
The island's top-read celebrity magazine, Society Gems is sure to cover every hot event on the island!

The Black Fish
We are here to take over the island!