Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Where World Peace Has Gotten To: A Response to Diamond Giver

Dearest friend,

We will miss you terribly when you leave our island, though I understand your decision to go. The island has become a place full of rebellion, and I encourage any frightened islanders to leave in order to protect their own safety and that of their families.

Lest this should every happen to you.

However, I wish to address the issue of world peace, which we have promised in the beginning of this blog.
We will attain world peace, in your lifetime. The island will succeed in this. However, the path to world peace is not always peaceful.
As the Romans said, Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum, or If you seek peace, prepare for war.

And, clearly, the Romans were very peaceful.

We will avoid outright battle at all costs. As we have done with Azlyn Aeron, we will find a peaceful solution with the fish. Hopefully.
Some people have wondered about the outcome of my negotiations with Azlyn. I can explain this by saying that we did not want war. Both our halves have open borders and peaceful relations. No islander lost any property or anything at all during these negotiations.
Others are confused about the fish. (Let's face it-these days, who isn't?) I can explain everything we know here.


We don't know anything. You now know everything.

But, not to worry! We have spies at every corner, and soon we will know everything there is to know! And world peace will flourish!
And then the world will be united!

This is a rather poor attempt at humor. 

So, fear not, Diamond Giver! This island will bring about world peace. Soon.

Island Queen

PS.  If you ever need better travel accommodations, let me know.

(Note to the reader: to read the post I have responded to, click here.)