Saturday, March 26, 2011

a quick note from the fish

yay! that was our 50th post! *does the island's national dance a few times in celebration* and a "warm" welcome to our newest blogger
Yes. this is what google came up with when i seached "50th celebration." Thus, I am happy to report that our blog is officially "aged to perfection" 

Anyway, wow, I thought the humans were obvious, but blatenly saying you are joining my army only to take me down from the inside?? No offense, but It's like sometimes creatures just forget that fish have access to the internet and can read...
yes, I even have allies on desktop backgrounds and screensavers on most computers...amazing where you can find fish to join your evil army these days, huh?
You know I was actually excited to relax on a peaceful island and put the war on hold for a while, but threats like these just can't be ignored. So much for our "truce" and "amicable" dinner.  But alas, I supposed some wars just can't be solved with some fruit roll up sushi and a few glasses of root beer...*sigh*. But anyway, I wouldn't try  joining our army undercover because I have already warned all of our recruiting agents (including the digital ones). So just remember citizens of this island, not to sound creepy (although I guess that's my job), but: The fish are always watching you...The. Fish. Are. ALWAYS. Watching. You.
Yes, google images does have some very odd results when you search "evil fish."
Hmm....I guess that explains the classic Diamond Island saying, "goodnight, don't let the black fish's agents bite"
The BLACK fish

Melody's Tail (hahaha, get it? I have a tail because I'm a mermaid, and I'm telling my tale)

Hello everyone!

My name is Melody, Princess of the Merfolk. Or, I used to be a princess. Long before the evil black fish took over the island, the ocean was filled with merfolk that happily swam about and interacted with both fish and humans. We kept the peace between the two races, and my grandpa, King Triton, always made sure to give the island folk the best weather possible, and my mother Princess Ariel and father Prince Eric always made sure that everyone was happy.
Weren't we such a cute family long before the black fish existed?
That is until the attack. The black fish came in with her army of minions, slaughtering all the good people of our species. If it wasn't for the fact that I was hiding away in my secret underwater cave, I would have been dead, just like them. Now, you all must be wondering how a fish could take over mermaids. Well, we had traitors among us, who are still allied with the black fish.

Since that day, I have vowed to get revenge on the fish that ruined my life. Having openly joined the black fish's ranks, I plan on taking her down from the inside. (My alliances, of course, are with the Island Queen and her beautiful daughter, Daisy).

On a different note, when I googled my parents to see what photos came up, I was shocked, and quite disgusted, to find this one appearing ten (yes, I actually counted ten) times:
Hey, this kind of reminds me of the picture Daisy found of Aladdin!

A Mildly Entertaining Story

Dearest Islanders,
I only have time for a short post, but since I haven't written in a while, I thought I'd share a mildly entertaining story:
Today, as I was visiting this blog and responding to my daughter's wonderful blog post, I began clicking around in the fish gadget we have displayed on the side. Then I realized that, by doing so, I was inadvertently feeding the Black Fish.

That's all folks! Check back soon for the Society Gem's coverage of my Seafood Banquet, which is coming up in exactly 9 minutes!

Much love,
Island Queen

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Daisy Discovers Omegle

deer islanders,
Today i found a website called (i think you say it like "oh-me-gell-ee") and its where you can talk to strangers
so i decided to try it
i started talking to my first stranger and they were nice

then we talked a lot about things and they were nice becuse they like unicorns too
and i think this website is really cool becuse you can talk to strangers even though mommy tells me not to
but sometimes the strangers tell you weird things 
when i was talking to the stranger we talked about santa

thats weird because mommy told me santa was real but maybe he isnt
and if santa's not real, did mommy lie to me the hole time?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

New followers & Thoughts

Firstly, I would like to welcome the followers we have acquired recently:
Abby Geoffry
Anabel Riely
j boux
who mysteriously began to follow us within the same week!

I would also like to inform you all of a little segment of my blog posts I was thinking of starting. I've been pondering beginning a mini-series of my blog posts titled: "Inquiries from an Diamond Islandian Woman." It would only be a couple words long, 1 or 2 of these posts in between my regular blog posts, in which I enlighten you with the wisdom-full thoughts I've had throughout my day. Here is my first entry:

Inquiry from an Diamond Islandian Woman #1:
"Doubt is merely fear of the future."

Much love,
Fitz Lady Genevieve Vertiline Constance Esther Rowena Millianette