Saturday, February 12, 2011

What Happened To World Peace?

With all of these fish rebellions and the splitting of the island, we might as well just call this blog Partial Island Dominance. 

Sound familiar, anyone? History Repeating itself...
Due to the recent violence that has occurred on Diamond Island, I have made the decision to move my residence off of the island until World Peace and Total Dominance has been restored. I feel like our government has become corrupt and there is way too much violence which is obscuring our original vision for peace. I will only move back to the island when I receive my long awaited invitation to the Grand Seafood Banquet! (which has been delayed for quite too long) For now, I say goodbye to all my fellow islanders and depart in...

a lovely green canoe!

Is there something wrong with that? The airfares were a bit ridiculous for this time of year so, I'm taking a different approach. Wish me luck on my trip to my new residence. I will blog when I arrive. For now, I will stay on this heart shaped Island, watching the news every night, awaiting the end of the violence on Diamond Island.

- Diamo N. Dgiver (The Diamond Giver)

State of the Island: Rebellions and other Rumpus

This blog consists mainly of ordinary blog posts which are random and have no connection with each other. However, in recent weeks, a plot has emerged!

To help new readers, readers who haven't read in a while, or readers who are confused by all the goddamn fish, we have decided to start a weekly blog plot summary. While it will be written by different members of the island, this week's summary will be by the Island Queen

Dearest Islanders,

Hello and welcome back! The Emergency Blog Shutdown, which was established earlier this week in a desperate safety measure against the fish, has finally ended, so we are back on the web! Of course, the fish are still at large, but my Safety at War administration tells me that they hope the fish will be brought to justice soon. In the meantime, we encourage all islanders to be safe and expect you all to follow these simple safety measures, outlined in an earlier post.
During the Emergency Blog Shutdown, the negotiations between Azlyn Aeron and myself came to a peaceful conclusion. The terms of our agreement will not change the lives of any islanders-I have merely given Azlyn half the island. My half will continue to include the town, as well as the respective mansions of my friends, family, and myself. There will be a small section of the island dedicated to the resort where people may come visit, and the town and its surrounding villages will continue to be used as housing for the islanders. To learn more on Azlyn's views on this negotiation, read her blog post.

And so, dearest fellow citizens, welcome back!
Island Queen

So that's what happened this week on the Island. If you want to read a specific Islander's posts, please follow the links below.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Victory is Mine

Dear friends, today is an auspicious day indeed, shining more brightly than the whole of our illustrious history.
Shining so very brightly. 
For today, I stand before you not as Azlyn Aeron, but as Queen Azlyn Aeron of West Diamond Island. The fish have been confronted and seem to have retreated to the oceans, and in exchange for my victory, the Island Queen bestowed upon me one half of the island.

Yes, this Island.
The island is now two autonomous nations, each with full sovereignty. They have open borders and are very friendly towards each other. On East Diamond Island are the resort and all the other inhabitants. On West Diamond Island is my castle. The only exception to this is Genevieve Millianette, whose mansion is on the border between the two. 

How to describe my joy? I have finally achieved my goals of domination! Everything I ever wanted and I can retire before growing a single gray hair! But still, something felt... empty, somehow. 

I didn't understand what was missing, until I realized the one thing I truly lack is something that money cannot buy. 

Luckily, what money cannot buy, more money can.
And once I put the tank full of narwhals in the southern wing, my life felt complete. 

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Fitz as a Prefix

Those of you who have been tossing and turning in your beds, worrying about my condition should be relieved to know that I have found shelter. While trekking through a field of wheat (in my tan llama skin coat, of course! I need to blend in) I came across an extremely dark, menacing-looking castle. You could imagine my extreme confusion, seeing a stone mass covered in gargoyles in the middle of a wheat field. Not to mention it had inexplicable clouds and lightening striking the tallest tower every few seconds.
Naturally, I went in through the conveniently ajar door. The inhabitant of this mansion obviously liked bread, and golly, I missed crust less cucumber and cream cheese sandwiches.
The castle’s owner was Azlyn, the daughter of Azula, famous for her demented lightening powers and even more demented scene of insanity which concluded her screen time on “Avatar: The Last Airbender.” Having seen the show and mentioned my Zutara opinions in past blog posts, I was surprised to meet her on Diamond island (not starstruck, of course, that only happens when I look in the mirror!)

Azlyn: When I noticed that my visitor was none other than Genevieve Millianette, of course I invited her in. I had been yearning for high class company for weeks! I had the servant set up my nicest guest room for her stay.
Third nicest, actually, the others are being redecorated.

Genevieve: Our perspectives on life somewhat contrast, her desiring island domination and being generally evil. However, we both got along quickly because of our high level of class and love of Bumblebee Bat cashmere (which most cannot imagine, let alone afford, did I mention llama cashmere is 100,000,0000000000$ per square inch?)

Azlyn: How can you see this picture and not think "cardigan"?

Azlyn: However, Genevieve has an unfortunate tendency to choose very cheerful colors, while I prefer black and dark shades of blue and red. In any case, our mutual good taste is something I am very grateful for.

Genevieve: During lunch this morning, Azlyn was telling me about a novel she was reading titled “Pride and Prejudice.” I did not have much to say, since I stopped reading the novel when Mr.Darcy was introduced (he was such a surly reeling-ripe flax wrench, the dankish hedge-born apple john!) Needless to say I had a perfectly good reason.

Azlyn: I find the novel rather fascinating despite my hatred of both romance and popular books. However, I made an interesting observation that will be detailed below.

Genevieve: Nevertheless, she told me that Mr.Darcy’s first name was Fitzwilliam. Now, Fitzwilliam may be a mewling dizzy-eyed hedge pig, but he did have class. He had a class that Azlyn and I did not possess, so we needed to discover how he gained it.

Azlyn: I personally disagree with that analysis. My insurmountable measures of class are demonstrated by every black marble stone in my palace.

Genevieve: At first we came to the conclusion that in order to have class you need two names (I, of course, have four excluding my last name, which means I officially outdid Fitzwilliam in class.)

Azlyn: But after exploring this possibility, it was noted that BillyBobJoe would also have to be considered “classy”, and thus the theorem crumbled and we were forced to explore other options. That is when we noticed it. What is Fitzwilliam without “Fitz”? Merely "William”, a rather common name.

Genevieve: We realized that the “Fitz” prefix on Mr.Darcy’s name is what made him truly classy. Thus, I officially dub myself:

Fitz Lady Genevieve Vertiline Constance Esther Rowena Millianette

Azlyn: And I shall consider the addition of Fitz to my name, so that it would read: Fitz Azlyn Aeron.  

Although someday, it will Queen Czarina Empress Sultaness Cheiftess Fitz Azlyn Aeron, the Almighty and Magnificent Ruler of the Universe.

Genevieve: Concluding, I thank you, Azlyn, for opening my eyes to a new degree of class that I humbly admit I did not have before.
Awesome insults credits to Shakespeare:

Azlyn: Indeed, Genevieve, I accept your gratitude and hope you will stay at my castle as long as you choose.

New Safety Measures

Dearest Citizens,

Those of you who have been around these past few weeks (or read the weekly State of the Island update) will know that our lovely island is under attack from a band of unruly fish. Already they have attacked my dearest friend Genevieve Millianette, and impersonated people to make their band seem larger.
Now, to avoid the same fate as our favorite Noblewoman, I recommend that all of you citizens of Diamond Island follow these simple safety procedures. 

1. Create a salt circle around your house each night. 
This simple circle will protect your family from being attacked at night, as Genevieve Millianette was. Do this before nightfall, as the fish strike quickly. Interaction with the salt will dry the fish out quickly. (for more information on fish night strikes, read this.) 

No, this has nothing to do with Saftey Tip 1. But it is much cuter than a dried fish. 

2. Refrain from going to the beach for recreation
The fish's main base is, obviously, the water. Avoid swimming in the sea (just use your swimming pools, people. Every house on the island has one!). In fact, it would be best to avoid the beach entirely. The island offers a wide variety of recreation. Go to town or something. 

Clearly, shopping is much more fun than THIS. 

3. Ignore propaganda posted here from the fish
The fish have managed to infiltrate our blog. Do not, under any circumstances, take anything posted by them to be the truth. This week, they impersonated Azula in a message to Azlyn Aeron. Fortunately, Azlyn saw right through their despicable plot, and she joined forces with us to destroy the hateful fish. 
If the fish post anything more on this blog, wait until confirmation from an islander appears, either in the comments or in another post, before acting. 

Your wait will probably not be as desolate as this. 

4. Act
There are many ways you can help in this war to defeat the fish. Develop an interest in seafood. Suddenly have a passion for fishing. Make friends with refugees who have lost their homes in fish attacks. The ways are endless. 


5. Constant Vigilance!
One of the most frightening aspects of these fish attacks is that we do not know who they are. We suspect that the person behind these attacks is one of our very own group of islanders, because who else has access to our blog? Therefore, be careful. Be a fish detective!

Though this image does not seem to provide much of an incentive to be like this guy. 

So, fellow islanders, we have dark times ahead of us before we can finally establish our island as a beacon of hope and world peace for the rest of the world. Be careful, follow these safety tips, and join us in the attack!

Island Queen