Thursday, February 03, 2011

From AZULA to my daughter Azlyn Aeron

Azlyn, I regret to inform you that I am officially disowning you from my life and the Fire Nation Royal Family!!
You did not defend me when the evil black fish threaten to eat me AND you mention my unmentionable brother who took over the fire nation royal throne on what was to be the day of my coronation! 
Ergo, I am disowning you and I have arrived at this island to join forces with you enemy the black fish!! You miscalculated! You should've feared me more. There is no chance you will beat us! I am sneaky, resourceful, and have undergone therapy and rehab after I went slightly crazy on that dreadful day

And I will succeed at helping the blackfish take this island down from the inside out, just like I did with the earth kingdom when i staged my coop 

You say the black fish has only accomplished making enemies, but she has accomplished much more than that! As of today, she has secured permanent control over 21/23rds of the island: every part except your 1/23rd and the island queen's 1/23rd. She has burned the outskirts of her territory and planted salt in the soil so that no human can reconquer or settle her land!! she then flooded it so that 21/23rds of this island is now A GIANT LAKE FOR FANCY FISH TO FROLIC FREELY (alliteration hehe). more than half the inhabitants, some undercover and some as double agents, work for the black fish. And today she has added me as one of her allies!! She also had undercover fish agents planted in every body of water and fish reproduce MUCH faster than that little human army of yours. Her forces are already 7.43 times larger than yours! Your choice is clear. You can keep pretending that you have a chance, but everyone on this island knows which side will come out victorious. The black fish was the first evil villain on this island, and she will be the last!


  1. I think they may have let you out of rehab a bit early Azula... and I'm eating your allies for dinner someday so yea. WHY do you guys have to take over an island to live on? Is the ocean not commodious enough? And I think you already destroyed my private beach... oh no!!!

    - DG

  2. I agree with DG, you must have lighteninged (verb?) the prison guards! Keep this in mind though, Azula: fish aren't the Dailee, they don't have Earth-bending ninja skills or can even walk! Also, what happened to the black fish? I thought he was leading the take-over.

    - Fitz Lady Genevieve Millianette

  3. This post is obviously not from my mother.

    Firstly, " the fire nation royal" a princess would never neglect the capital letters of her own nation. Mother would have written "Fire Nation".

    Secondly, "when i staged my coop " that should be spelled "coup", and my mother, who is so well educated in military terms and tactics, would know that.

    Thirdly, "She also had undercover fish agents planted in every body of water and fish reproduce MUCH faster than that little human army of yours." My army is actually composed of orcs, a fact that my mother is well aware of as it was her husband, my father Legolas, who gained the orcs' loyalty.

    Finally, "And today she has added me as one of her allies!! ... The black fish was the first evil villain on this island, and she will be the last!" My mother is always the one in control, but this makes it sound as if she is working under the fish, which she would never allow.

    This post was clearly not written by Azula.

    Nice try, black fish!

    XOXO, Azlyn
