Sunday, March 20, 2011

New followers & Thoughts

Firstly, I would like to welcome the followers we have acquired recently:
Abby Geoffry
Anabel Riely
j boux
who mysteriously began to follow us within the same week!

I would also like to inform you all of a little segment of my blog posts I was thinking of starting. I've been pondering beginning a mini-series of my blog posts titled: "Inquiries from an Diamond Islandian Woman." It would only be a couple words long, 1 or 2 of these posts in between my regular blog posts, in which I enlighten you with the wisdom-full thoughts I've had throughout my day. Here is my first entry:

Inquiry from an Diamond Islandian Woman #1:
"Doubt is merely fear of the future."

Much love,
Fitz Lady Genevieve Vertiline Constance Esther Rowena Millianette

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