Thursday, March 24, 2011

Daisy Discovers Omegle

deer islanders,
Today i found a website called (i think you say it like "oh-me-gell-ee") and its where you can talk to strangers
so i decided to try it
i started talking to my first stranger and they were nice

then we talked a lot about things and they were nice becuse they like unicorns too
and i think this website is really cool becuse you can talk to strangers even though mommy tells me not to
but sometimes the strangers tell you weird things 
when i was talking to the stranger we talked about santa

thats weird because mommy told me santa was real but maybe he isnt
and if santa's not real, did mommy lie to me the hole time?

1 comment:

  1. Daisy! Lovely blog post! (:
    Of course I am not lying to you, sweet heart...Santa is real in your heart and in the Christmas spirit!
