Saturday, March 26, 2011

a quick note from the fish

yay! that was our 50th post! *does the island's national dance a few times in celebration* and a "warm" welcome to our newest blogger
Yes. this is what google came up with when i seached "50th celebration." Thus, I am happy to report that our blog is officially "aged to perfection" 

Anyway, wow, I thought the humans were obvious, but blatenly saying you are joining my army only to take me down from the inside?? No offense, but It's like sometimes creatures just forget that fish have access to the internet and can read...
yes, I even have allies on desktop backgrounds and screensavers on most computers...amazing where you can find fish to join your evil army these days, huh?
You know I was actually excited to relax on a peaceful island and put the war on hold for a while, but threats like these just can't be ignored. So much for our "truce" and "amicable" dinner.  But alas, I supposed some wars just can't be solved with some fruit roll up sushi and a few glasses of root beer...*sigh*. But anyway, I wouldn't try  joining our army undercover because I have already warned all of our recruiting agents (including the digital ones). So just remember citizens of this island, not to sound creepy (although I guess that's my job), but: The fish are always watching you...The. Fish. Are. ALWAYS. Watching. You.
Yes, google images does have some very odd results when you search "evil fish."
Hmm....I guess that explains the classic Diamond Island saying, "goodnight, don't let the black fish's agents bite"
The BLACK fish

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