Tuesday, January 04, 2011

My story (in short) -Genevieve Millianette

A grand hello to my friends and readers (if you believe you are neither, you should not have free reign to access the internet,)

Since this is my first post, I see it fit to write a little about myself. My name is Genevieve Vertiline Constance Esther Millianette (but for the sake of those around me, I will merely go by Genevieve Millianette.) I was born in a country very far from my current residence (which right now is nameless... Island Queen!) and have a brother named Obediah. 
I lost both my parents at the young age of twelve. They left me with just barely enough money to live on (a mere 10000,00000000,000000,000000$... you would think they would leave more to their first born daughter!) Because of my homeland's great encouragement of primogeniture, my brother was left with nothing. He didn't deserve a cent anyway. He ran away at the age of ten, a mere two days after our parents died. He had been furious. Obediah spoke of wanting things with "sentimental value," which I still don't understand today.
I was left in the care of my aunt Hortense, a serious regret on my part since she always reeked of moldy cheese. Anyway, I met dear Island Queen in school at the age of 14. She spoke of owning her own island, and later, creating world peace. I of course decided to come along and now I have great power and influence on her island. I have a gorgeous mansion overlooking the ocean and I am currently building a llama farm (silly, I'm not literally building it, I have people for that!)

Kiss kiss,
Genevieve Millianette

Just a picture of my estate, if you were wondering.


  1. A very beauteous post, if I may say so, Genevieve Millianett dear!

    I am shocked that your parents left you so little...but we are so proud of you that you have persevered through these hard times to become one of the leaders of world peace!

    Love you!
    -Island Queen (:

  2. Why thank you for such kind words Island Queen. You are truly a magnificent friend and advocate for world peace!

    -Genevieve Millianette
