Tuesday, January 04, 2011

What Should I call the Island?

I realized today that my island has no name. Which is an issue, since it is soon to become the capital and centre of the world. So there should be one.

Since I'm discussing the island, I might as well describe it. It's fairly large, and is located in the Caribbean. This is what it looks like:

Just kidding.

It looks more like this:

I live on the north side of the island. There, I have a large mansion, which is my individual home. Outside the extensive grounds of this property lies a neighboring house, where the family members I've chosen to invite live. Then, a few miles off, there is an even greater mansion, where I can invite my friends who are visiting on a temporary basis. This settlement of three mansions is located at the northernmost coast, with my own home being the prime waterfront property of the three. Near this beach is a dock where permanent island residents can keep boats. Then, on the Northwest and Northeastern coasts are the waterfront properties of my bestest friends (those who live permanently on the island with me). There are a little over 10 of these properties on the north side of the island.
This is a photograph of a momentarily vacant mansion, neighboring my dear friend Gen (that's Noblewoman Genevieve Millianette to you!):

The southern half of the island is the centre of the social life. To the east, there is a town, full of restaurants and shops. Just north of this town is another, where those who work in the town live in fairly large homes and enjoy proximity to a Caribbean beach. The southwestern half of the island is devoted to an elite hotel and visitation centre. Here, people can come visit the island that will soon be the centre of the world for a (debatably) low price. The more elite housing plans also offer limited access to the island's main town centre, but, of course, there is a smaller town in the hotel and resort as well (the employees of both towns live in the same area).

So that is my island in a nutshell.
But it still doesn't have a name. I was thinking either something that glorifies its position and truly establishes it as a prominent geographical location (it is, after all, the soon-to-be centre of the world!) Something like "The Centre of the World" or "The Awesome Place". Or we could use a more subtle name, such as "Diamond Island."
But I've decided to it go to a vote on this one (just to prove that I'm not-and won't be-an evil dictator)
What should I call the island?

Much love,
Island Queen


  1. So since I am the Historian (Dragon), I have my own island. I don't participate in the social activites too much. Imma draw a map of the whole thing, by the way.
    The name of the main Island should be Izaro. It's a name meaning island in Basque... Gotta look that up........
