Friday, January 07, 2011

Choosing which diamond to give the island queen was very difficult. I knew that she would only go to homecoming if I gave her an expensive enough diamond, so I had to search the world for the right one. This is the story of how I sought out the largest diamond in the world.

I heard that the largest diamond in the world was in Prussia, so I had to get on a plane and fly over there for a weekend. When I arrived, I found an old woman named Ethel tried to sell me this giant diamond. She requested $25 trillion and claimed it was a family heirloom. Humpf! When I brought it back to the US, I realized that it was made out of plastic. I had to sue Ethel to get the money back. This put me behind schedule, because Island Queen was expecting her diamond around that time, and was upset that I wasn't prompt with its delivery. Its actually Ethel's fault that world peace was delayed. There she is with the fake diamond...

So I was forced to continue my search. I saw the Hope Diamond in a Museum in Washington, DC, but after talking with the museum director we decided that the diamond wasn't nearly large enough for the island queen. Plus a lot of the people who had previously owned it had died (just to add a little sinister aspect to the story.) 

I researched everywhere, and the diamond in Washington seemed to be the largest I could find! There was only one other option; to go to a mine and find the world's largest diamond by myself. After visiting 34 countries, I finally went to Guatemala and found the PERFECT one in an underground mine. One of the miners tried to grab it from me, but I hid it in a plastic bag shopping bag after that and disguised it as my lunch. 

On the trip back it got all dirty, and I had to hire a large team to polish it 24 hours a day for 6 and half days. Time was running out, and of course the diamond had to look presentable before it was given to Island Queen. Finally, on a certain day in 2010 at a certain french bakery in a certain place on a certain continent, the diamond was given to Island Queen. Of course, I had to have special security forces follow me into the restaurant. Thus began world peace... Thats the story in short. I had to keep certain details secret of course, and if you're wondering, I can't post a picture of the diamond. Its too glorified to be photographed.


  1. Diamond Giver,

    I had no idea how much of a challenge it was to get the diamond! You went to Prussia, Washington DC, searched in 35 countries for the diamond and ending up mining it yourself? Truly brilliant. I would have helped you, however that would have involved staining my pearl white llama cashmere gloves. They are only made in Kosovo, you know. Hand made by an odd villager that lives underground. She was hard to find, however I have exceedingly useful connections. I intend on bringing her to the island to make more gloves, of course once my llama farm is complete.
    I thank you for funding this glorious island and my lavish lifestyle.

    -Genevieve Millianette

  2. Oh Dear Genevieve!

    Thank you for gracing me with your favorable comments! Oh yes it was quite a difficult experience, yet I was willing to yield my time to the establishment of world peace. I am quite satisfied that you are currently living luxuriously. How is everything at your estate? I'm sure you are one very busy noblewoman right now, with the llama farm and everything. When you return to the island I'd love to see those gloves! They sound quite exquisite indeed.
    - DG

  3. This certainly explains why it took so long for me to get my diamond.
    Stupid Ethel.

    Island Queen
