Friday, January 07, 2011

Google is Rubbish. -Genevieve Millianette

Dear people,
My life here on the island is extremely busy, I could hardly call  it relaxing at all! I must awaken at ten every morning, it is a shock that I have enough energy to function! Then I must begrudgingly go to my daily facial treatment, manicure, pedicure and massage. It is truly a struggle, I must walk across my lawn to get from my facial treatment building to my personal nail salon! I intend on constructing a monorail from one building to the other. Nevertheless, my monorail would be classy, not the filth on tracks Walt Disney World has!

Just look at the debris!
You are all extremely fortunate that I can bestow upon you the very little free time I acquire during my days on the island. Thus, you can surely imagine how distraught I was upon noticing how little attention this blog has acquired from Google! I am shocked that a company as big as Google would not acknowledge the existence of a woman so influential on society! (Oh, and the island too.) How did I find this out, you ask? With my very little free time, I managed to google "Total Island Dominance" (keep in mind that this is the entire name of the blog) and we were not the first result! Or the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and accordingly. The suggested search was "Total Drama Island." This is the rubbish:
This is the reason an entire country is being ignored on Google. Well, once world peace arrives, this will change.
I hope that will more posts, I (I mean we) can spread knowledge about our country and alert people about the up-and-coming world peace. Soon, the words "Total" and "Island" will not be associated with the reason for child brain cell loss but with a thriving civilization! 
Also, my llama farm is doing well. The structure has been built and the llamas arrive on Sunday. Wish me luck, if I need it!

Kiss kiss,
Genevieve Millianette


  1. Oh how un-genteel of google not to value this blog. After all, it is kinda the website of world peace and domination... and I'm sure the monorail will be quite classy. LET ME KNOW when the llamas arrive!

  2. Goodness!
    Well, Google will be sorry when they realize that they left out the future rulers of the world in their search!
