Saturday, January 08, 2011

A Funny (Fail) Story

I turned 16 about a month ago, and, as everybody knows, being 16 comes with learning to drive! Before I used some of the leftover money from buying the island (there is SO little left...I don’t know where it all went….who would have thought a tiny little island would cost so very much?) to buy a car (I was debating between a Porsche and a Ferrari…thoughts?) I thought I might as well take the permit test.
Phew. That was a long sentence. Try reading it in one breath. I dare you.
Of course, I didn’t read the manual, because I am the Island Queen and such things are above me (also I had a lot of tests last week). But I showed up for the test anyway. For those of you who don’t know, it is a 25 question test, and you can only get 5 wrong.

Yeah.....Maybe I should have read this.....

Anyway, there I was, taking the test on a computer. Since I hadn’t exactly read past the first chapter of the manual, I wasn’t doing so great. To be exact, I’d already gotten 5 questions wrong, so I couldn’t get another one wrong or I’d fail the test.
I was on question 23 and feeling fairly confident about my chances of passing, since, after I’d gotten the hang of it, I found the questions easy. And I only had 2 questions left. The one I was on was asking what a sign, which I’ve pictured below, meant. I knew the answer was “pedestrian crossing”, so I was about to click that when I saw another answer was “shopping mall ahead.” I paused to think about how ridiculous that was, then clicked my answer and hit validate. At that point, the computer told me that I’d gotten the question wrong, and that I had failed the test. It was then that I realized that I’d pressed “shopping mall ahead” instead of  “pedestrian crossing.” Oops.

Although you could probably argue that they DO look like they're going to the mall.

So I failed the test because I mis-clicked on my second-to-last question. But, make no mistake, I will be back next week, and then I will have a fantastic permit-earning story to tell you all!
Because I will be reading the manual this time around.

Love you all!
Island Queen 


  1. Oh I'm so sorry darling! If you like I'll let you borrow some money for your car, I suggest you purchase a ferrari! As for your test, there is always next time! Your dreaded situation reminds me of a tragedy that happened recently to me, but however can in no way compare. I was tanning on the beach near my estate after my daily pedicure. When I was reaching for my cosmopolitan, I tipped my Chanel bag over and my favorite "Kiss of Nature" lipstick fell into the sand! I was heart broken!

    Kiss kiss,
    Genevieve Millianette

  2. Island Queen,

    On the island, that sign should mean shopping mall ahed, not pedestrian crossing. I like your idea better. When world peace is completely established we should change all of the signs in the world. Just an idea. If YOU say it says shopping mall ahed, thats what it shall be.

    How could they make Island Queen, the bringer of peace to the world, fail the test because you hit the wrong button? Does the DMV think it is more important than you or something? Disgrace.

    Oh and provided that Genevieve pitches in, go with the Ferrari. Enjoy reading that manual.

    - Diamond Giver
