Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Vote is In!

The poll asking you all to vote on a great new name for the island is over, and the results are in! With eleven voters, 9% of the vote went to "The Capital", and another 9% went to "Other".
A whopping 36% of those polled said they favored "The Awesome Place", which was a little surprising, since, not gonna lie, I put that there as a bit of a joke. But still, many congratulations to "The Awesome Place", which came in second place!

AAAAAAAANd, the winner is, with 5 votes and the favor of 45% of the voters.........

*drumroll please*


So those of you who voted for Diamond Island should go have a big party. Those of you who didn't should commence crying just about now.

In a desperate attempt to fuse this rather self-explainatory post with pictures, I searched "Diamond Island" in Google. This is what it came up with. Not exactly what I had in mind, but okay.

Much love, 
Island Queen


  1. YESSS!!!!!!!! Diamond Island! I think we need a page for national Holidays. January 11th is Naming Day. December 10th is Diamond Day. :D
