Sunday, March 27, 2011

The New Geography of Diamond Island

Hello, dearest Islanders!
I have some *very* exciting news to give you all! As many of you know, yesterday was the Seafood Banquet, where I invited several friends to come and raise awareness against the violent fish rebellions that have been plaguing our country these past few months.

This picture represents a rather bad pun. 

I would love to tell you all about who was in attendance, but I have decided to reserve that information for the Society Gems magazine (their blog post should be coming out sometime next week!)
However, since many diplomatic changes occurred, I felt that I should update you on the current status of our beloved island. You see, not only my friends were invited...I had also extended an invitation to the Black Fish! I hoped to develop a more amicable relationship, and I do think that we have begun down the right path to accomplishing just that. 
During the party, the Black Fish announced that they had flooded 21/23rds of the island. You can imagine my fury, when I had wished for more friendly diplomatic ties between the two of us, and I immediately declared this fraction to be "debatable." However, it soon became clear that the area that had been flooded (its size still remains debatable) was the unexplored territory we had not wanted. Therefore, I told the Black Fish that the land she had flooded, she could keep. No civilians were harmed in this process, nor was any land actually lost. 

In other words, this did not happen. 

I had believed that the Black Fish was satisfied with these arrangements. However, judging from their most recent blog post, it seems that the war will continue. 
I will be posting the most recent Diamond Island Map (which includes the fish's territory) as soon as it is made. In the meantime, know that these events have not changed any fundamental aspect of life on Diamond Island. This, I am sorry to say, includes the safety measures that were put in place. Please continue to follow these to protect yourself and your family.

On a happier note, during the Seafood Banquet, we developed a new Pledge of Allegiance!

I pledge allegiancecensjdlkfhskdj
to the Island
and all of its diverse species and cultures
And to the diamond that made it rich
one island,
under mother nature,
with peace and aquatic habitats
For all.

All the guests signed the first draft of this pledge, and it now proudly hangs in the Palace. 

Until next time, dear readers!

Much love,
Island Queen

1 comment:

  1. I believe the Pledge of Allegiance is decent, yet it could use some mentioning of the aristocracy (such as myself.)

    -Genevieve Millianette
