Saturday, February 05, 2011

The State of The Island: Febuary 5th, 2011

This blog consists mainly of ordinary blog posts which are random and have no connection with each other. However, in recent weeks, a plot has emerged!

To help new readers, readers who haven't read in a while, or readers who are confused by all the goddamn fish, we have decided to start a weekly blog plot summary. While it will be written by different members of the island, this week's summary will be by Daisy:

 Hi!!! this weak on the iland was vary craizie. azlyn and the fish got mad at each other, and then the fishies pretendd to be azlyn's mommie and sad meen if i wer aslyn i wud be rilly sad, but insted she promissed to destroy them.

So that's what happened this week on the Island. If you want to read a specific Islander's posts, please follow the links below.

Island Queen
Diamond Giver

State of the Island

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