Friday, April 01, 2011

Returning to Diamond Island

As you all may remember, I chose to leave Diamond Island because I saw a war brewing. I was fearful that the fish would attempt to murder me or that I would get stuck in the middle of a huge war between East Diamond Island and West Diamond Island. Those were scary times. However, I decided that conditions on the island were safe enough for my return. Plus, I just couldn't turn down the invite to a seafood banquet! The times are still dangerous, however, and since my return I have taken the following precautions to protect myself from death. Because you never know. Island diplomacy is still a bit... well... fishy. 

My List of Precautions in this Dangerous Time on the Island:

1) I decided to move away from the beach to avoid possible fish attacks striking the coastline. I have purchased a secluded home in the mountains of Diamond Island, near the middle of the Eastern Half. It's safer here, away from the coast. No more beachy weather or building sandcastles, or mermaid watching. Oh, but no more fish danger either.

My beachfront home is for sale! Any takers? You might get eaten up by fish but thats okay because I need to sell this now.
No, you can't come in... you're probably a fish in disguise. Unless you're volunteering to be my dinner. I sea food!
My new home is somewhere way up there... but you can't have my address in case you're a fish.

2) I have an escape plan. In the event of more fish attacks, I board my private helicopter, and off I go in the Speedboat Island Queen gave me as a return present!

3) Oh, and don't worry, my diet includes large amounts of seafood. 

Yes. I'm on a seafood only diet.
I truly hope that there is no more war on the island so that it may be my permanent residence. I don't want to have to leave again! However, if the fish don't return to the sea and Diamond Island isn't re-united within 2 months, I'm afraid I will have to move off the island permanently.

1 comment:

  1. Oh DG! Two months, so short a time to allow a nation to reunite!

    -Genevieve Millianette
