Thursday, March 17, 2011

SNEAK PEEK: Seafood Banquet Coming Up!

Hello to all you readers! 
Of course, this blog is the clear place to get news. With such island favorites as Diamond Giver, Genevieve Millianette, Island Queen, dark figures such as Azlyn and the Fish, and our very own princess Daisy, this blog has become the hottest place on the internet! 
However, everyone felt that it was missing one thing. Sure, you readers come here for news. But what about the hot, juicy celebrity gossip?
Society Gems Magazine has been granted exclusive access to this blog, where we hope to give you all the best coverage of the inside lives of your favorite celebrities!
Today, we start with a special SNEAK PREVIEW of our next issue, where we have been granted exclusive permission to cover the Island Queen's Seafood Banquet! This event is being held to raise awareness against the Fish Rebellions, and, as the only magazine allowed inside, we are sure to give you all the details you want to hear!

EXCLUSIVE! Our working cover for this weekend's issue
And here is the leading paragraph of our featured article: Why The Postponing?

While the Fish ravage the countryside, a Seafood Banquet is being planned within the walls of the Island Queen's palace. This party was intended to raise funds for the anti-Fish movement, a cause that would save our island from possibly years of war. And yet, today, the Island Queen postponed her party to next Saturday. This cancellation brings up a lot of questions. What were her motives? Many have rumored of possible other plans (any hot dates we don't know about?), but some have accused her of being in alliance with the fish. Others insist that their beloved Queen could not possibly have anything to do with the rebellions tearing her country apart. Others have asked: what is next for our country? Will the fish see this as a victory? Many are inclined to think not, but some have already heard rumors of another fish attack that got out of hand. We are still awaiting a comment from either the Queen or the Fish themselves to confirm or deny this report. 
Response from her guests, for the most part, seems rather joyous. "YES YES YES!!! :D :D so happy" said Diamond Giver, one invitee, in a private message. Already several have responded that they will still attend this postponed event. But this does not answer the fundamental question: Why did the Island Queen postpone her party in the first place? We at Society Gems believe we have uncovered the answer. 

Read the rest of the article, and more on the Fish Rebellions, the Diamond Island Split with Azlyn, and more in the upcoming issue of Society Gems Magazine! 

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