Friday, February 04, 2011

Some Thoughts Regarding Peace, War, and Seafood Banquets

This war is really getting out of hand. I mean, why can't there be peace!!! Fish belong in the water or on my plate (oops I shouldn't have said that second part but its too late) So why can't we be in peace? (However, I must admit, the war has allowed me to capture some great battle photos:)

I got hit by a couple fish in the process, but I ended up with this great photo and a delicious seafood dinner!

Oh fish... they are the reason that I went pescatarian. I'm just a bit upset right now, it seems Island Queen's chefs have had a bit - or maybe a lot - of difficulty preparing the seafood banquet, seeing as sea creatures have taken over 21/23 of the island that was bought with the giant diamond that I spent years looking for. I don't know what I'm going to do if they get their hands fins on that diamond!!!! I'm kinda worried that they might cut it up, and make it into something horrid like this:

I didn't spend all of that time selecting the diamond just for it to be turned into a piece of jelewry for a fish that should have been my dinner! I've had enough. I think I'm going to make some posters and go protest this fish rebellion. So maybe we should have peace. (I'd like to point out that most of the planet's surface is already water, so I don't understand why you fish need to bother our peaceful and lovely island. Now back to the water!) Oh, but it looks so sweet and innocent!!! 

- Diamo N. Dgiver (The Diamond Giver)

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