Tuesday, February 01, 2011

A Response to the Fish

I quite enjoyed the recent post directed at me. In fact, as I read it, I found myself smirking. I had hoped we could unite and resolve our problems together, but as that is no longer possible I must admit I have not been fully honest with you.

While I am a vegetarian, that simply means I won't eat meat such as pigs or cows. Incidentally, my favorite foods are caviar and sushi.

Why Yes, that IS a caviar dress!
While I would have preferred to work with you, I will not cling to old dreams. But before we part, I would like you to know one last thing: You have not won. 

Unless you consider making another enemy "winning", but all that you have achieved is that you now have the Islanders AND me against you. You attacked the islanders, and I threatened to conquer their island- let's be realistic, they won't be teaming up with any of us.

In short, this war has three sides now.

Although perhaps I could claim to have discovered that my true purpose in life is to join them- it worked for my uncle Zuko.
And which side will be ultimately be victorious? Leave no questioning doubt in your ridiculously small minds- it will be me. While you seem to be under the impression that I am all alone in this, you are wrong.

Very wrong.
Very, very wrong.

You might want to think about giving up while you have the chance. Orcs love caviar, too. 

Yes, I know you won't give up. Please spare me the empowering and uplifting speech. 

Until we meet in battle, 
Azlyn Aeron

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