Monday, January 31, 2011

A response to Azlyn Aeron

ohh think you and your fancy evolved body can just waltz right in here and taunt us with legs and vegetarianism! well you thought WRONG!!
Why would we need a vegetarian leader, when our plans included eating the diamond giver in some luscious BBQ sauce?
You think we can't read the special crossed our font, WRONG AGAIN!
We know you were planning on over throwing us! but I am always one step, or rather one fin, ahead.
I have planted double secret agent spy fish in every body of water on the island. Even in those two puddle at the end of your driveway

That's right!! WE are ALWAYS watching you! You are never safe from ussssssss
We have already taken over seven twenty-thirds of the island and are prepared to take over the rest with in the next 3 months, 7 days, 3191 minutes and 31.4 seconds! ...and we will attack you when you least expect it. We have undercover civilian human agents working for us so THERE IS NOWHERE ON THIS ISLAND WHERE YOU ARE SAFE!
The only question now is what sauce should we enjoy your mother Azula in: soy or ketchup? I was really thinking soy, but my second in command green fish is starting to convince me to go with ketchup. 
Centuries from now little children will read in their textbooks about the GREAT BLACK FISH WHO DESTROYED A WHOLE ISLAND AND then went on to rule the whole universe (except pluto, i see no reason to take over there, i mean comeon! it's just a reject wannabe planet and its sooo cold and purplish! goodness purple is such an UGLY color!)

on that note, we will get back at you for years of oppression and suffering on that small 400x200 pixel corner of the webpage! You can run, put there's nowhere to hide (except pluto)!


  1. opps typo: even ruthless dictator fish make spelling errors, or rather their lowly spellcheck assistant secretaries do:
    you can run, BUT there's nowhere to hide (except pluto)!
