Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My Baking Experiences

Today was a snow day (which is ridiculous, because it barely snowed...in fact, it's raining now...I suspect that the superintendent REALLY didn't want to come to work today). I decided to spend the morning baking.
Well, not exactly. My mother forced me to spend the day baking. When I said that I wanted biscuits for breakfast this morning, but that there were none, I was hinting that we go buy some kind of breakfastly food. My mother mis-interpreted this, and made me find a recipe online for buttermilk biscuits. I wasn't too keen on the idea, because I'm not generally very good at baking.
Last time I baked something, this happened. 
But I baked anyway, just because I love my mother very much. Also because I was hungry, and my house was sadly devoid of food.
And the house didn't catch on fire (or, it hasn't yet...)
After I made the dough, I searched for the two-inch cutter that the recipe called for, but I didn't have any.
So I had to use my halloween pumpkin cookie cutter.
Yes, I made pumpkin-shaped biscuits and had them for breakfast.

Okay, they weren't exactly this neat, but you get the picture. 

Actually, I kind of had them for lunch, since, by the time I was done, it was 12:00....

A fascinating little conversation I had with Diamond Giver...the names are bleeped out to avoid stalkers, obviously. 


    OH YES!! i remember that time the house burned down... the biscuits came out really good even though you ended up with a destroyed house. It was almost worth it... did they come out good this time?

    Forgive me for spelling biscuits wrong in that wall post by the way, I don't know what came over me. I hope you enjoyed your Haloween Brunch! I think this belongs in the holidays section of our website, I shall most definetly add it.


  2. Haha yeah it wasn't too great for the house, but fortunately we had insurance on the house on the island, and the biscuits were delicious (if I do say so myself!)


  3. Yes, you certainly may. Nobody has better taste than Island Queen.

