Monday, January 17, 2011

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

I thought that there should be some kind of celebratory post for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Thanks for the day off! And equality too. 

I have a pretty great tradition for MLK Day, here on the island. I celebrate equality and Martin Luther King Jr. day by eating equal amounts of dark, milk, and white chocolate. It reminds me of the importance of equality in our daily lives.

Also, it's chocolate. 
Cookies work too, especially chocolate chip, because they are a mix of the dough and the chips. I suppose those black-and-white cookies work too, though I think that they are more racist than anything, because they separate the black and the white. In fact, I call them racist cookies.

This is the reason racism is still alive today. 

What do you do to celebrate this special day?
I know a lot of kids here celebrate by....studying for midterms. They start tomorrow.
Pretty festive, huh?


  1. I told myself that I wouldn't eat chocolate today (in fear of it keeping me up tonight) but now I realize that chocolate is necessary, especially for island traditions! I will eat a little & take the risk! (I have nothing important tomorrow anyway...)

    -Genevieve Millianette

  2. Justice for Islanders! I like this commemorative post. I went to a MLK service today it was really nice, and I had brownies and cookies afterward. and then chocolate chips when i got home! and I'm thinking about more cookies now

    - DG

  3. I am going to add a cookie section to this post in honor of you, DG (:
    -Island Queen

  4. Thank you Island Queen! Black and white cookies are quite yummy. Now I want one... oh gosh i'm having a B & W cookie craving at 9:30. I wonder which half is healthier...

    - DG (oh and maybe if they mixed the flavors it would be a symbol of the end of discrimination. and how are we going to incorporate islanders into this?)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Stealing my daughter Daisy's hot chocolate idea here, but hot chocolate also works! It's a mix of milk and chocolate blending to form deliciousness (:

    well you could always split a black and white cookie the other way, so half of your half would be black and the other be white....that way they would both be equally healthy. how exciting.

