Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Message of Reassurance to the World Concerning the Rumored Fish Rebellion

Dear readers,

I am writing today about the rumored fish rebellion that was instigated by a threatening message posted on our own blog recently.

These rumors are true.

Now before anyone starts screaming "2012" and jumping of bridges to escape the destruction of the world--don't.
We have everything under control.

No, seriously, we have everything under control. Don't jump. Do we really seem THAT incompetent?

Our top chefs are working on a seafood banquet right now.

Oh, come on! I don't even like seafood! Why couldn't it be an invasion by steak and mashed potatoes?

So don't worry. The end of the world will not be from these fish.

Though I can't make any promises about that whole 2010 business...maybe it'll be the bunnies who finally overcome us.

Island Queen

1 comment:

  1. oh that looks delicious. When exactly is this seafood banquet going to be? I don't want to miss out on all of that fish!!! I'd like a bite of that big black fish...

    Also, are you sure the chefs are working? Because there are still 10 fish in the tank... what if this is unsucessful... I'm worried!!

    Giver of the Diamond
