Saturday, February 12, 2011

What Happened To World Peace?

With all of these fish rebellions and the splitting of the island, we might as well just call this blog Partial Island Dominance. 

Sound familiar, anyone? History Repeating itself...
Due to the recent violence that has occurred on Diamond Island, I have made the decision to move my residence off of the island until World Peace and Total Dominance has been restored. I feel like our government has become corrupt and there is way too much violence which is obscuring our original vision for peace. I will only move back to the island when I receive my long awaited invitation to the Grand Seafood Banquet! (which has been delayed for quite too long) For now, I say goodbye to all my fellow islanders and depart in...

a lovely green canoe!

Is there something wrong with that? The airfares were a bit ridiculous for this time of year so, I'm taking a different approach. Wish me luck on my trip to my new residence. I will blog when I arrive. For now, I will stay on this heart shaped Island, watching the news every night, awaiting the end of the violence on Diamond Island.

- Diamo N. Dgiver (The Diamond Giver)

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